Welcome the 38 newly lambro substack frens who have joined me since June!
If u haven’t, join the 10.6k 2lambro Twitter frens & 915 substack frens now
We are still early, learning, growing with u guys since january 2023
Just investing in new IDO will REKT u in this market
when is the last time an IDO 10x lately?
Do the right thing that fits the market sentiment
Is yield farming the best thing to do in this market?
Yield Farm Bible - MUST READ
Not much IDO 10x roi
Good IDO have limited allocation
Likely u are buying every IDO u see or have idle asset just sitting there
Buying/Selling Token on secondary market
❓Why go agasint the market n play on level 99?
Here's my Yield Farm Bible + Flow chart
Im not saying don't go into IDO but put ur idle asset at work
Review ur bag
📍 Stablecoin
📍 Alt single asset
Use @CurveFinance 2Pool (USDC USDT) as apy base line.
curve basically the most safe place for u to farm
For more aggressive farming go @DefiLlama > Stable coin yield to find.
But remember yield should only be 5-10% likely... just rmb $UST don't go too degen
🔹Check Tricrypto on @CurveFinance
basically if u put 100usd into it
keeps ur portofolio in 33% BTC, 33% ETH, 33% USDT
Its a strategy u can deposit n forget
read more here
🔹Check @GMX_IO GLP staking
Basically keep ur portfolio
25% eth, 25% btc, 50% usdc + PnL of trader
( a lot more complicated but relatively safu)
Read more about it here.
Please don't go leverage unless u truth understand it
happy to reply dms if u don't understand
🔹Check out BTC/ETH farming
Read below to understand the power of correlation n its basically free yield to me
Please consider uniswap v2 style farming if u don't fully understand uniswap v3
again, u can always dm me on questiones
For Advanced Readers
on @zksync i will go for @syncswap
on @0xPolygonDeFi i will go for @QuickswapDEX
@stellaxyz_ BTC/ETH
@steadefi GLP
@archi_fi GLP
@Rodeo_Finance GLP
@ArchimedesFi Stablecoin
can't list them all, u can track me on debank for inspiration
📍 Alt single asset
this goes into Farming as trading
Do u think the token will
🔹 Go up ?
🔹 Token will go sideways ?
🔹 Token will go down ?
First lets understand how to use
@Uniswap V3 as limit buy or sell order + earn yield
the logic works the same with
@KyberNetwork @traderjoe_xyz
This is a MUST read
🔹 Token go up
Do u have a target price to sell?
if yes follow the guide below to set sell order + earn yield
if No just hold the token till u want to sell
🔹 Token go sideways
Do u have a target token price range that it will bounce?
Do this!
No target price range?
all good, just do uniswap V2 style! still some yield!
🔹 Token go down
Do u want to accumulate?
Yes - ( with target price range - using v3 to set buy order + earn yield)
Yes - ( without target price range - using v2 )
No - Why r u reading this, just sell bro
For Advanced Readers
- IDO farming, provide LP to new dex or strategies which worked well for $archi n $RDO seems wont be bad too.
@steadefi $esSteady might be next.
becareful tho, these are good to have but make sure they are legit n wont rug u.
How to Long, short tokens with lending markets
With small coins u want to use isolated lending pools model lending market like @SiloFinance for more types of asset
And that’s all!
i hope u enjoyed or understand the basic part of my yield farming framework.
if this is osmething u guys like i can breakdown into deeper
hope u guys learnt something n enjoyed it!
Additional reading material
Here are some additional reading that will benefit u
Why u should farm ETH/USDC
this thread teaches u why IL is not that scary.
if u truly understand it u can find more profitable farms
remember as long as
Yield> IL then its good farm
n most ppl dont actually calculate IL
U can lose money in compounding ur position!
This thread teaches u when n at what apy u should compound
what are the traps n logic behlind compound
Types of pair u want to farm + set of tools u should use going into v3
+the meme looks good!
U can follow my farms actually
Great stuff lambroz. Tons of great insight as usually 😎