Wt do u mean by u can lose money if u compound ur yield?
Should you compound your yield farming?
Are u missing out gains or getting rekt when u compound?
Heres a experiment on when should you compound ur yield farm
Compounding your LP can be damaging if
You don't have a lot of capital
APY is not high
Gas fee is expensive
📍In this thread
we will go thru formula how to think about compounding and find " theoretical best return "
Yield APY is 20%
Staked Value is 1000usd
Gas fee to compound 0.5usd
The best is to compound every 65 days
❓So how does the math works?
* Google sheet for u in the end
Let's keep things simple
This is equation has a lot of assumption but it basically it calculates
Your compounded APY based on
Your Yield in a 1 day
Your staked amount
Frequency ( how often u will rebalance )
If we break this down more
basically if
The lower "Yield in 1 day" the less amount of times u likely should compound.
" Yield in 1 day" is
Stake amount*yield/365 / frequency - Gas
So the answser is
rebase every 53 days and ur yield will be
21.39% instead of just 20%! haha
Same case by higher yield
Yield APY is 200%
Staked Value is 1000usd
Gas fee to compound 0.5usd
I will leave this excel table in the end for u to play around.
but the key rule is
The higher the APY
The More Capital u have
The less gas u have to pay.
Likely u need to compound MORE regularly,
if the other way around u should not compound in case it lowers ur APY
If u read till here
i want to apologize, this post has no value and insight
because in realistic
is NOT constant
APY is affected by
trading fee
farm yield token price
Farm TVL size
Here's a potato
I wrote this post because i was trying to find out is my
20% apy wbtc/eth pool
worthy of compound or not.
And i thought u guys mind enjoy knowing
The higher the APY
The More Capital u have
The less gas u have to pay.
Likely u need to compound MORE regularly
like, comment or dm "gimme dat" to get the google sheet.
let me see how many people actually yield farm but not just read n stay sideline
Hope u enjoyed this meaningless post
feel free to find me on debank
DM me if u have any questions!
Plz gimme dat amazing sheet 😁🙏
Ha ha nicely done. Now share the sheet on twitter :)