wtf is LPDfi, Volatility trading, Impermanent gain?
understand everything about gammaswap in 1 email
Volatility trading❗
Impermanent gain❗
What the fk does it actually mean
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How does it actually works
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Gammaswap allows users to borrow & lend uniswap v2 style LP.
This enables
borrow LP and leverage trade asset in "Long", "Short", "Straddle" mode.
The trader's pnl on gammaswap is not same as perp (linar) allowing traders to speculate on volatility
🔹Liquidity providers
to earn additional yield from trader's fee on top on their LP position's fee
Gammaswap is essentially a two sided volatility marketplace.
traders ( long volatility ) take positions
opposite to
liquidity providers ( short volatility )
Traders can long or short on IL ( which is effect by volatility )
hence the term "trading volatility" and impremanent gain "u can turn the thing upside down" etc
The protocol does not rely on an oracle and is currently built on Uniswap v2 style AMMs.
Breaking down into the UI so its easier to explain with images & actions
( 1 ) ‘Pool Selector’:
select the pool you would like to open a position from
( 2 ) ‘Trade Position’:
select Long, Short or Straddle (neutral strategy)
( 3 )- ’Initial Deposit’:
select which token and amount to deposit as your initial collateral
( 4 )- ‘LTV Selector’:
the higher the LTV, the more leveraged your position is and the shorter your ‘Time to Liquidation’ will be
( 5 )- The changes in LTV% will have an effect on
‘Time to Liqudation‘,
‘Borrow Amount
‘Origination Fees’.
( 6 ) PnL Calculator
The difference between normal perp & gammaswap's volatility perpetual
GammaSwap is more like a perpetual option although the greeks are slightly different
This is the price change effect on collateral value in gammaswap vs other lending platfroms
📍As a trader in Traditional perp
Your PnL = Asset price change x leverage
📍As a trader in Gammaswap
Your PnL = follows the curve below
( the reason in simple form is because your position is basically a borrowed LP
and the number of tokens changes in the LP position changes as the price moves. changing the price correlation toward the asset you long in [Delta] )
This is quite complicated but i think you will start to understand it when you play around the with the PnL calculator
Just to give a better picture
Green line = Long position PnL as price change
Red line = Short position PnL as price change
And this is for the straddle position
For people who are not familiar with options
A straddle position is suitable when you want to long volatility but do not have a preference on the price direction
DWF has deposit some $MAGIC into CEX but u are not sure will they pump n or dump it. straddle is a way to buy both side if you think the price will move but not sure in which direction/
*please check with the PnL caculator for stimulation
GammaSwap’s straddle is also the best way to hedge an LP position because it is a direct short of the LP position.
GammaSwap is currently a liquidity middle layer for various Uniswap v2 style AMMs.
In addition to swap fees, if the liquidity is borrowed, LPs will earn borrow fees from traders in GammaSwap.
Other than smart contract risk
(which GammaSwap has been audited for),
LP yield in GammaSwap should always be greater than or equal to the underlying AMM.
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